Why are Malays getting increasingly conservative?

Why are Malays getting increasingly conservative? Is there a way to curb this issue? From my perspective as a Malay, I can say it is probably so. A brief history: Many people do not know that the Islamization of UMNO that we are …

Tuan rumah majlis kenduri perlu menyambut tetamu

Cuti² ni dah jadi musim kenduri. Dlm perhatian ambo lama dah tp tak jadi nk tulis. Hari ni baru nk tulis teguran kpd tuan kija kenduri. Apabila org dtg, sambut lah tetamu dan persilakan mereka mkn. Walaupun yg dtg tu org yg kit…

 17 things you need to throw out ASAP

You wouldn’t think old pancake mix, spices, or makeup could be a problem – but they have the potential to make you very sick. Remove the dangers from your household with this handy guide. Off-brand phone chargers You may be tempt…

Pengomen Terbanyak Bulan Februari 2023

Assalamualaikum. Sudah masuk bulan Mac rupa2nya skrg! Cepatnya masa berlalu tanpa kita sedari. Pada kesempatan ini, Abam Kie ingin mengumumkan pemenang Pengomen Terbanyak Bulan Februari 2023. Beliau yang dimaksudkan ialah blogg…