Senarai Terkini Produk Halal Keluaran Bumiputera Islam

Assalamualaikum. Sejak rejim Zionis laknatullah mengebom Semenanjung Gaza dan melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai ke atas rakyat Palestine maka umat Islam di seluruh Malaysia beria-ia mahu memboikot barangan keluaran Israel s…

10 Simple Ways to Improve Your English

I’ve just thought up of some simple ways for anyone who is interested in improving their English. I myself am trying to improve in this language each day. There’s always so much to learn and it can be really fun! You just ne…

Kita tanya Al-Quran jawab.....

Assalamualaikum. Abe Kie selalu menonton rancangan Ente Tanya Ana Jawab di Astro Oasis. Ia salah satu program agama yg abe kie minati. Sekarang abe kie nak berkongsi satu entri yg hampir sama dgn tajuk program itu. Sila bac…

The Greatest Man In History

The greatest man in history is MUHAMMAD (s.a.w),  he had no servants, yet they called him Master.  Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher.  Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer.  He won no military batt…

Mari Membina Jati Diri

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt. Apa khabar sahabat2 blogger yg dihormati sekalian? Masih sibuk berkunjung ke rumah kaum keluarga, saudara-mara n rakan taulan? Bagus tu. Masa inilah kita sepatutnya merapatkan silaturrahim sesama kit…

Salam Aidil Fitri Dari Abe Kie

Assalamualaikum, Sempena hari baik dan bulan baik ini, Abe Kie ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada semua pembaca blog Abe Kie yang suam-suam kuku ini. Terima kasih diatas kunjungan dan komen-kom…

Aging Symptoms

Take a break..... " Aging Symptoms?? Written by a lady ... After a meeting I was coming out of a hotel and I was looking for my car keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room it wasn't…

Being a Man and How to Understand Him

For the 1st time SOMETHING  about a MAN. I hope all women reading this entry will realize the importance of men in their lives. Do read it.... Ⓜ Who is a MAN? A man is the most beautiful part of God's creation who…