Tips for sadaqah (charity)

My dear friends,  There are many ways to contribute to our society by giving sadaqah or charity as mentioned by Dr Mohammad Al Arifi.. ✏#1:buy a chair and keep it in a mosque, whoever prays on it In sha Alah u will be r…

Kisah Seorang Wanita Yang Dipoligami

Salam. Kisah di bawah sangat berguna buat bacaan kita semua khususnya blogger wanita. Mohon bagi maklumbalas ye? Terima kasih. #Syaikh Utsman al-khamis – hafidzahullah- seorang ulama dari Kuwait bercerita: “Saya pergi k…

Message from the Ambulance Service

My dear friends, please read this message carefully... 1. We all carry our mobile phones with names and phone numbers stored in its memory. 2. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people att…