Saving For My Daughters' Future Education

Parents should start saving for their children’s future since they were born. The Chinese and Jewish parents are known to have started planning for their newborns’ education even before they have yet to see the world. Bringing up…

Adab Meminjam

Adab meminjam,, pulangkan semula barang yg dipinjam dgn keadaan yang sama atau lebih baik daripada asalnya.. ^^, Kalau dulu pernah 'pinjam' hati seseorang & sekarang rasa dah tak…

A Few Interesting Characteristics of My Students

I have been teaching at SMK Majakir for almost 3 years. But in this short period, I have come across many types of students in the course of my teaching. Some of them are obedient, respectful, kind and diligent. However, I n…