Not paying attention to the fine print can cost you some serious cash. Here's how to save your money. Airline fees You’re paying extra for almost everything when you fly these days, from your bags to your seat. So be sure …
Not paying attention to the fine print can cost you some serious cash. Here's how to save your money. Airline fees You’re paying extra for almost everything when you fly these days, from your bags to your seat. So be sure …
Bila tukar tayar ni tanyalah pomen tu harga tayar. Yg baharu ada RM175 @ RM185. Baik amik yg baharu, puas hati. Minta dorg bawa keluar tayar tu, nak tgk. Pomen tu pun bawaklah tayar baharu yg harga RM175. Bila tanya tahun …
You wouldn’t think old pancake mix, spices, or makeup could be a problem – but they have the potential to make you very sick. Remove the dangers from your household with this handy guide. Off-brand phone chargers You may be tempt…
Wangi dan diperkaya dengan khasiat vitamin C, lemon sering dijadikan sebagai bahan dalam sesebuah hidangan atau masakan. Malah, ia juga baik untuk kecantikan dan kesihatan kulit. Secara ringkas lemon mempunyai berbilang kegunaa…
We’re all doing our best to keep our homes clean these days. However, there are things even the most experienced cleaner can forget to clean. For example, did you know that your keyboards are a hotbed of bacteria? Or when was the…