If someone hits your car from behind

If your car is hit from behind, here are some tips from a lawyer: 1. Don't freak out if someone hits your car from behind; just take it easy. 2. Park your car on the side of the road in a safe place with plenty of room. Thi…

If I were the principal

The principal's office plays a crucial role in education. The school is supposed to be managed by a principal. Obviously with the assistance of his team. He needs to make decisions swiftly and establish an environment that …

Abam Kie sudah berusia separuh abad!

Assalamualaikum. Sedar tak sedar rupanya sudah 50 tahun Abam Kie hidup di atas muka bumi ini. Pada 19 Mei 2023 Abam Kie menyambut hari lahir yang ke 50. Terasa kelmarin je abam kie grad dari UM. Age is just a number, orghe roya…

Sambutan Aidil Fitri dan Majlis Persaraan Ustazah di Sekolah

Pada hari Sabtu, 13 Mei 2023, telah berlangsung Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dan Persaraan Ustazah Che Zaiton. Kira majlis dua dalam satu la ni. Memang pihak sengaja pilih tarikh berkenaan kerana pada hari tersebut a…